Flamingo Tours

Previous Tours

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Hakgala Gardens
Hakgala Gardens
Chimney Falls at Horton Plains
View of Horton Plains
Baker's Falls
Baker's Falls
Treaking path at Horton Plains
View of Horton Plains
Treaking path at Horton Plains
Sambhur at Horton Plains
Nuwara Eliya Park
Nuwara Eliya Park
Nuwara Eliya Park
Some of the Tour group at the park
View from the top of Pidurutalagala Mountain
Tour group of 8th, 9th, 10th May 2014 at the top of the Pidurutalagala Mountain
View from the top of Pidurutalagala Mountain
View from Shanthipura (the village at the hightest elevation in Sri Lanka)
Tour group at Shantipura
Devon Falls
At the Tea Center, Labookele
At the Tea Center, Labookele
Rose Garden at Hakgala Gardens
Chimney Falls at Horton Plains
At Horton Plains
Baker's Falls at Horton Plains
On the way to World's End
World's End
World's End
At Shanthipura
Boat ride on Lake Gregory
At the Tea Cup, Watawala
Tour group of 24th, 25th, 26th September 2017
Tour group of 11th, 12th, 13th May 2018